Cry AXION, and Let Slip the Dogs of Massive Gains

Maximus Cryptos X
4 min readAug 11, 2020


AXION — A New Global Currency, For the People
AXION — A New Global Currency for the People

Gain is the edge of loss, loss is the heart of gain.

AXION Legal Roadmap is now set! — Prepare for supercharged growth.

Here are the brass tacks:

Project: AXION Legal Corporate Entity

Company contracted: Diamondback []

Objective: Create Legal Entity in favorable jurisdiction for development

Venture Synergy: Established, compliant, and credit worthy corporation,

The solidification of legal will allow AXION to execute the following plans:

  • List on major exchanges,
  • Develop strategic business partnerships
  • Integrate with a FIAT onramp/offramp service where you’ll be able to pay with your credit card/mobile phone online and in person with AXN.
  • Create a true global currency.

Funding for legal will come from a combination of

  • Liquidity withdrawal
  • Dev fund token selling.

Every time AXION has used this strategy, the token price has ironically gone UP. Needless to say, funding this proposal is a non-issue and we have it more than covered.

In addition, this is absolutely Wild:

A dip happened, shortly after the Legal Roadmap announcement, because someone cashed out to buy A HOUSE

Axion is changing lives! This is just the start

AXION — On the Hunt for Massive Gains!

Who is DiamondBack?

DiamondBack will cover the setup costs for this legal entity, as well as provide the trusted agent needed,while the AXION community and founder continue their work to bring AXION to the masses.

DiamondBack will pay the initial startup fees, notary fees, translation fees, incorporation fees, name registration fees and handle all paperwork. We have already done this exact same process multiple times in multiple jurisdictions.

We know all the most efficient ways,so you can benefit from our experience. We will use our current corporation in the chosen jurisdiction,as well as our excellent credit rating to establish the company on your behalf.

We don’t want AXION to have to take a big chunk out of the liquidity pool,so we will only ask that you cover the monthly maintenance fees and we will handle the rest.

Deliverables: The following items outlined below will be provided upon receipt of the first month’s fee. The project items will be completed in less than two weeks.

  • Establish Company Formation in either E.U., Lithuania, Estonia, or
    U.A.E./Dubai, depending on what is most beneficial time wise and
    cost wise (we are covering upfront costs) and according to the best
    fit with the nature of AXION’s business model adhering to legal
    opinion that we obtain
  • We expect to have done in roughly 5 working days:
    - Initial Startup
    - Legal Fees
    - Name Registration
    - Incorporation Fees Paid
    - Notary Fees Paid
    - Translation Fees Paid
    - Administration — Trusted Agent acquired
    - Accounting Service acquired
    - Monthly & annually filings included
    - AXION legal entity ready and able to sign contracts with major
    exchanges worldwide!
  • Establish Corporate Office — Sign Lease
  • Maintenance fees below are in USD for your convenience.
    - 2,000/month office (standard requirements for foreign corps)
    - 3,800/month director fees
    - 5,800/month CEO/signer fee (executive who signs for
    exchanges etc.)
    - 300/month accounting fee (this is required even if there is no
    accounting to be done)

Review AXION Legal RoadMap:


Sometimes … the hype is real. AXION(Hex2t) just hit an ATH. The market is extremely pleased with AXION’s development and are gobbling up every dip within minutes looking for cheap AXION.

The crazy part is .. the party hasn’t even started. If you have been sitting on the fence, take another look, AXION might change your life!

AXIOn (Hex2t) 14 day Chart — July 26 2020 — August 11, 2020


Jeff Kirdeikis, creator of a FaceBook 2+ million followers Crypto Investing group is actively and publicly supporting AXION‘s development. Jeff is extremely bullish on AXION!


The AXION is primed and fueled for a moonshot, Once the Mainet is launch, AXION will be lit!!

DYOR…. I don’t know about you… but I’m loading the F up!



Contract AXION(HEX2T):




AXION (HEX2X) Volume Info:

Official HEX2X Merch:



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