Farsite- 1st Eth2 DeFi Space MMO with Yield generating cNFTs in Persistent Universe

Maximus Cryptos X
5 min readMay 30, 2021


Farsite — Expanding Galaxies

When a Gem and a pebble come in contact, you know the pebble can’t win..

Space Apes Assemble …. everything has changed, FarSite is here, presale is set for May 31, 2021 !

Daily Crate AirDrop rewards
Complete tasks to receive Scores. The more Scores you have the higher is a chance to receive a Crate with better reward.

Affiliate link: https://farsite.club/u/MaximusCryptosX

Farsite is a blockchain-powered sandbox MMO RTS game with elememts of adventure in a sci-fi setting based on a post-apocalyptic story.

What is this game all about?
Farsite is a DeFi-powered economic MMO RPG/RTS game with elements of adventure in a sci-fi setting based on a post-apocalyptic story to be released on Ethereum 2.

Explore the Universe or establish a Base on a Planet in the hunt for rare materials to craft powerful Ships and Modules, trade on the open market, fight for loot and honor to govern an entire Constellation!

Farsite PreSale Preview

Persistent Universe with: Player-Owned Economics

— Every game item is created by a player from materials found in the game

— Items are NFTs owned by players as ensured on a distributed ledger

— Items could be traded freely on the open market once delivered to a space station

The Tech:

Farsite is built using a mix of distributed ledger technologies

Farsite blockchain technologies

Layer 1 — Ethereum

The first layer is represented by Ethereum Network to grant secure ownership of game items, protect game rules immutability and control Credits (FAR Tokens) supply and emission.

Items and Credits could be freely transferred between Ethereum and Layer 2 via bridge enabling trading on external exchanges and marketplaces.

Layer 2 — Polygon

The second layer (L2) built on Polygon (formerly Matic Network) hosts virtual wallets and supports the immutability.

Polygon features almost instant transactions and distributed environment with industry-standard trust. All the fees are covered by the Farsite team (absolutely free for a player).

Layer 3 — ZK Relay

The third layer is the zero-knowledge relay, where all the in-game actions are happening.

Formally it’s a database with hashed summary of all the operations saved on Layer 2 to ensure the immutability of the in-game results.

That allows for fast and free operations of the most non-critcal actions (not used for opertions with Credits).


cNFT — Collateralized Digital Assets

Collateralized Digital Assets
cNFT — a proposed standard for ERC-20 collateral staking on Non-Fungible Tokens for borrowing against game assets

The core idea behind cNFT is a collateral stake to grant the intrinsic value of a digital asset created in the game.

Simply put, cNFT is an NFT that holds a certain amount of ERC-20 as a collateral inside.

At any given moment, cNFT’s owner can burn the token and receive the ERC-20 stake, unless the cNFT is not used as a collateral itself (and that’s the most important part).

The Economy:

Farsite — Planet Sectors for Bases, Mining & Manufacturing

Credits — The only legitimate currency in the Farsite Universe, used almost for every action in the game

Farsite — Tokenomics — FAR & Credit Tokens

Operations with Credits are performed on Layer 2, nevertheless Credits could be freely transferred to Ethereum network where they are represented by FAR Tokens.

Both Credits and FAR are ERC-20 tokens standing for the same entity in different amounts

1 FAR Token represents the value of 1'000 Credits

The ratio is hardcoded in the smart contract and will never be changed

When Credits are converted to FAR Tokens, the amount of Credits is burned n Layer 2 and the corresponding amount of FAR Tokens is issued on Ethereum network — the total supply remains the same.

After the initial distribution, new Credits would be created only by opening a new Crate

All the trades on internal marketplace will be settled in Credits, Players will be able to buy and sell in-game items on Stations

Credits could be traded on external exchanges and liquidly pools against any other currencies

Market Reaction

Early adopters are primed and ready to ape in .. Do your due diligence and maybe this moonshot is for you..

Fly Safe Space Ape ..o7


Phase I — Game Design
Q1 2021

  • Game Design Document
  • Cinematic Trailer

Phase II — Preorder
Q2 2021

  • The Store Opening
  • Ships Hangar and Modules Fittings
  • Airdrops Campaign
  • FAR Tokens and Credits smart contracts deployed

Phase III — Star Map
Q3 2021

  • Interactive Star Map
  • FAR Token Listing
  • Internal Marketplace Opening

Phase IV — Early Alpha
Q4 2021

  • Gameplay Demo (Early Alpha)
  • Sectors Acquisition

Phase V — Game Launch

  • Further Development
  • Corps
  • Stations
  • New Constellations
  • Alliances
  • Contracts

AirDrop Campaign

General information about Farsite Air Drops Campaign can be found here: https://farsite.online/docs/airdrops as well as in the Air Drops Campaign menu on the site.

Farsite Airdrops Campaign

How to receive White Crate?
To win, you have to gain a Score for completing the tasks as well as referring new users via your referral link.

Every 24 hours one White Crate will be gifted to the player who is in the top-100 of leaderboards.

The more Score you have, the higher you are placed, the more chances to receive White Crate.

Keep in mind, whenever the player receives the White Crate, his Score Counter will be reset to 0.

Note: The Score for top-100 will be reset, however, it will not affect your unlocked rewards.

Farsite Universe Constellations — Expanding Galaxies

Research Links

The official social pages for Farsite as follows:




Official sites

