HEX2X reignites, ready to PAMP

Maximus Cryptos X
7 min readJul 1, 2020


Do not fear the arising of thoughts, just beware of being slow to become aware of it

0x1 — What is HEX2X

HEX2x is a decentralized Certificate of Deposit (CD) system, operating to the same financial instrument provided by banks while cutting out the middleman

HEX2X generates interest through the idea of inflation. Users can stake a specific number of tokens for a specific period of time and receive about 8% APY on that staked amount at the base level.

At the time of writing, the global CD Market has a $7 Trillion market capitalization. HEX2X plans to absorb a position of that market by providing higher returns to it’s users.

0x2 — HEX2X is a fork of HEX, designed to improve the rewards to stakers

In HEX, 100% of ETH in the Adoption Amplifier auctions goes to the pockets of the founder,

  • In HEX2X, 80% of ETH spent in the Daily Auctions runs through an automated smart contract and is immediately used to purchase HEX2X tokens, boosting price. These tokens are then distributed trustlessly to stakers.
  • This in itself, increases staking rewards drastically in comparison to Hex, and increase the value of HEX2X simultaneously. Right now, a $10K order increases the price by 7%.
  • Once the Auction is live, we anticipate to be using millions of dollars, exclusively for buy pressure, daily.

In HEX, nearly 50% of late claim and early unstake penalties go the pockets of the founder. In HEX2X, 100% of all late claim and early unstake penalties go the stakers.

HEX2X inflation rate is 8% double that of HEX. This means that stakers are rewarded even more in comparison to non-stakers.

There are FIVE Big Pay Day’s in HEX2X, instead of only one in the HEX ecosystem. Its’s widely understand that after Hex’s one and only BPD, there will be mass-inflation and mass-selling.

  • Our system mitigates both of those by splitting BPD over five year, allowing for longevity.

Early unstake penalties are more severe in HEX2X, ensuring that once members stake, they will stay staked. This increases the stability of the circulating supply, and helps to increase the price of HEX2x further.

HEX2X is the next evolution of HEX.
Built by the community, for the community

0x3 — Development Teams

RockNBlock Team will be working on HEX2X. RnB previously created mywish.io (partner of Binance, NEO, RSK) swaps.network and participated in HEX Money development.

0X4 — Freeclaims for HEX Holders

While the two are not affiliated, we applaud HEX for their innovation of certificates of deposits and bringing this financial instrument to cryptocurrency.

HEX may have been the first mover in this specific application, we saw that there was inequality in the HEX system in regards to both the staking rewards and the ETH auctions.

In the interest of transparency and community centric ideas, our system fixes the problems we have identified and puts the community above all else

  • HEX2x tokens will be able to be claimed at 1:1 ratio by all HEX holders and all HEX2T holders.
  • HEX holders: 100% of freeclaimed HEX2X will be autostaked, with 2% releaseing weekly

This means if you withdrawal on day 8, you get 2% of your HEX2X claim. 98% then goes into the Daily Auction pool. If you withdraw early, the rest of your tokens immediately go to the Auction Pool

  • HEX2T holders: 0% will be autostaked.

0X5 — HEX2X v. HEX

The main key points behind the differences between HEX2X and HEX

  • First every staking period, 80% of the ETH amount that is used to purchase HEX2X in the Daily Auctions is used to buy back HEX2X tokens from exchanges, which are them distributed to stakers in proportion to their stakes. This will lead to a boost in price and will give higher incentives to stakers.
  • HEX2X has double the inflation of HEX:8% verses 3.69%. This leads to twice the ROI alone for HEX2X.
  • 100% of the inflation is paid out to HEX2X holders and can be seen completely transparently on the blockchain.
  • 100% of all “token penalties” are paid out to stakers, unlike HEX, where only 50% of penalties go to stakers and the other 50% goes to the founder

The founder owns no tokens. Yes, The founder owns no tokens. There is no fear of being dumped, exit scammed, or getting in too late for HEX2X

So how does the founder get money here?: DYOR → HEX2X Whitepaper, for the answers.

HEX2X — A New Crypto Hope

HEX2X — A New Crypto Hope

Striking from a PyraBank’s Stable Contract .. deployed among the thousands Dapps within the Cryptoverse, rebel gamers have won their first victory in the battle of adoption with the powerful Hex Maximalists.

Join the Fight for Freedom Today: HEX2X.ORG

JUNE 30, 2020 — Rock ’n’ Block HEX2X AMA

Contract Progress & Flow Chart

Development progress:
- HEX2X token contract 20%
- SWAP contract HEX2T -> HEX2X 10%
- HEX snapshot backend 30%

AMA Questions

1. Will the code be audited?
Yes. There are several stages of the audit depending on the project’s status: internal code review, audits from independent developers, final audit from a trusted company.

2. Which company will conduct the final audit?
Trail of Bits, probably. But it will depend on the budget — external audit was not included. We will also request some audits from the independent developers. They don’t charge much but help a lot.

3. What is the expected timeframe for completion of the project including testing? Worse case and best case scenario.
Initial planned time is 2 months and we will update regularly. Worse case, let’s say, it can be 3 months.

4. How many full time developers working?
2 Senior Solidity Developers + Backend Developer + Frontend developer (total 4)

5. Will we be able to play with the test net at some point before main net launch? Perhaps some kind of “incentivized” test net?
All contracts and UI will be launched in test net before going live on main net. However we do not plan to share the early versions to the community.

6. How long will the referral system work?
Currently it’s planned for 1 year.

7. How well does the team understand Hex and their smart contracts? What technical difficulties do you foresee in creating an improved implementation of this?
The main difficulty is the integration of many components of the project with each others. Also, potentially high gas fees for interaction with the system.

8. Can the ecosystem be expanded beyond the Ethereum blockchain? Is that even worth it?
It can be used on Ethereum like blockchains (TRON, Binance Smart Chain), but not on another VM (like EOS).

9. Are the devs working for a fixed price or can there come any complications which will result in higher costs?
We do not see any reasons for higher costs now, but if some new ideas/improvements come than it will affect the costs.

More on RnB AMA

FAQ for HEX Crypto holders worried about HEX2X

HEX Crypto Maximalist - Adrian Isen
  1. Question: Do HEX2X token holders hate HEX?

Answer: No, most of us have big bags of HEX … which also gives us HEX2X to free claim at a 1:1 Ratio.

2. Question: Do HEX2X Crypto holders hate Richard Heart?

Answer: No .. why would we … RH has made some of us .. wealthier

3. Question: If you like HEX so much .. why are you buying in HEX2X?

Answer: We want more bags and more money…. More is good … no?

4. Question: HEX is a completed product .. didn’t RH warn you about projects in development

Answer: 1st, we are free thinkers and aren’t influenced by Richard Heart. 2nd RH is a very wealthy investor .. so he had the economic resources and connections to fully fund, develop, market and launch a completed product to market.

  • HEX2X is, for the stakers, coded by the stakers and rewards will be given to the stakers
  • HEX2X development team is asking investors to help fund and develop a completed project. If you don’t agree with HEX2X … then don’t invest.

5. Question: Are some HEX2X adopters, still accumulating Hex

Answer: Yes … buying HEX, also gives you more …. HEX2X


The weak hands have sold their bags. A floor established and stabilized by the strong hands willing to fight for freedom. HEX2X has rebounded off the latest dip and trending upwards.

DYOR and determine if HEX2x is the right fit for your Crypto portfolio.

Research Links

Website: https://hex2x.org/

Contract (HEX2T): https://etherscan.io/token/0xed1199093b1abd07a368dd1c0cdc77d8517ba2a0

Discord: https://discord.gg/u6uChFV

Telegram: https://t.me/HEX2XOfficial

Uniswap: https://uniswap.exchange/swap/0xed1199093b1abd07a368dd1c0cdc77d8517ba2a0

HEX2X Volume Info: https://uniswap.info/token/0xed1199093b1abd07a368dd1c0cdc77d8517ba2a0

Official HEX2X Merch: https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/49487910

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Hex2x_

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXwAo_YOgUxjcW70KR40y2A

Rise of HEX2x, The battle of high interest currency has begun
Crypto Wars: A New Currency Rises

