HEX2X— The Battle of High-Interest Currency has Begun

Maximus Cryptos X
4 min readJun 8, 2020


Hex2x High Interest Blockchain CD
Rise of Hex2x

If you have been gaming in the DApp space for any length of time … there is an understanding. If you didn’t get a bag of the current moonshot META DApp of the last 3 months … don’t worry .. the clones will be coming!

If you were thinking Hex .. the first high interest blockchain certificate of deposit .. would be the last… all I can say is, welcome Crypto, another moonshot is preparing for launch .. you better get a few bags of Hex2x.

What is HEX2X

Hex2x is a new lucratively high-interest currency, designed to reward stakers.

Hex2x Website

What is HEX2X Vision?

  • HEX2X is HEX, optimized.
  • Getting 10%+ of the marketcap of HEX with a strong, community-first driven model is a very attainable goal.
  • 10% of HEX’s marketcap is a 100M marketcap. After six days our marketcap is 1M.
  • Hitting only 10% of HEX’s marketcap is a 100x ROI from here.
  • High Interest
  • Already On Exchanges
  • 100% of Rewards Paid To Stakers
  • Better Economics than HEX

HEX2X Current Status

The development of HEX2X is not yet complete and is still in presale trading under HEX2T on Uniswap,

“any HEX2X listings that are not announced directly from The HEX2x team are to be considered a scam.”

Pyrabank HEX2T 3rd Party Staking Portal Gameplay
Ref code: https://bit.ly/hex2x

ETH-HEX2T Pair — Uniswap

HEX2X Mainnet Launch Date
HEX2X mainnet is currently scheduled for August/September. Stay safe everyone!

Price Graph (May 31, 2020 — June 2, 2020)
Hex2x project is growing extremely fast, eclipsing a 1M marketcap within the first six days.

Hex2x price graph
Hex2x price Chart


  • If HEX2X tokens are unclaimed, they go up for auction.
  • Every week that HEX2X tokens go unclaimed, the Hex holder loses 2% of the total amount they can claim.
  • This 2% is added into the auction. People can bid ETH into the auction pool to purchase the Hex2x. Whatever % of the auction pool value they have bid, that is the % of the HEx2x pool they will earn.
  • 80% of all ETH bid into the auction pool is used to buy back Hex2x tokens on exchanges, increasing the value.
  • The tokens that are bought back, are then added into the next auction pool.
Hex2x Token Economics
Hex2x Token Economics

How is Hex2X different from Hex

  • 80% of the ETH used to buy Hex2X in AA auctions is used to buy back Hex2X tokens from exchanges. 100% of these purchased tokens are then distributed locked-in to stakers proportionately. This boosts the token price, and also gives higher incentives to stakers
  • Hex2X already pays more than 2x the ROI of Hex. Hex2X uses an 8% annual inflation rate, which 100% of rewards are paid out to stakers.
  • The origin wallet will never collect a single Hex2X token. All tokens from early/late withdrawal penalties etc are allocated directly into the AA auction pool.
Hex2x Promotional Video

How is Hex2X distributed?

1) All HEX holders and stakers can claim Hex2X at a rate of 1:1 when mainnet is launched August/September

2) All Hex2T token holders (Hex2Temporary), at the snapshot date, will be aidropped 1:1 as well. Hex2T will be available on Uniswap.

3) Not all Hex holders will claim their Hex2X, every week 2% of all unclaimed Hex will be put up for a pooled auction. If you put 10% of the ETH into the claim pool, you will earn 10% of the Hex2X available.

Hex2x Dev Diaries (June 6 Update)

Hex2x Mock dashboard. The UI is still work-in-progress, The devs plan on incorporating user feedback as well. The UI will be developed in parallel, as the business requirements are being finalized so the developers can reduce time to market.

Hex2x mock UI
Hex2x mock UI

Where can I buy Hex2T?


To view trading pair info:


How much interest is paid to stakers, and how is it paid?

1) The Hex2X inflation rate is 8% per year, roughly double that of Hex.
2) 100% of all inflation is paid out to stakers.
3) Based on what % of the staking pool each staker has on a daily basis, they earn the proportionate amount of Hex2x tokens.

For example:
If a staker has 50% of the staking pool value, they will earn 50% of the daily staking rewards (Total Supply X 8% / 365 X 50% )

Hex2x Roadmap
Hex2X Roadmap

Research Links

Website: https://hex2x.org/

Contract (HEX2T): https://etherscan.io/token/0xed1199093b1abd07a368dd1c0cdc77d8517ba2a0

Discord: https://discord.gg/u6uChFV

Telegram: https://t.me/HEX2XOfficial

Uniswap: https://uniswap.exchange/swap/0xed1199093b1abd07a368dd1c0cdc77d8517ba2a0

HEX2X Volume Info: https://uniswap.info/token/0xed1199093b1abd07a368dd1c0cdc77d8517ba2a0

Official HEX2X Merch: https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/49487910

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Hex2x_

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXwAo_YOgUxjcW70KR40y2A

